Asset and Inventory Management Software Solution for multiple branches from a central location.To track and maintain the stocks of consumables and Asset at Branches,offices and central stores and in transit at every moment as updated in the software solution.
Software provides the indent to be generated for the items that are available in the system. The Items have property as Consumables, Capital (Type (Electrical, Building etc. are user definable), Depreciation in % values with Linear or on reducing balance based)
To track and maintain the stocks of consumables and Asset at Branches, offices and central stores and in transit at every moment as updated in the software solution.
The items are issued based on indent and available stock at the central ware house. If the required quantity is not available, these will be combined together to generate purchase order. The issue of these items are by FIFO (First in First Out) or LIFO (Last in First Out) as desired by user.
The indent from all branches and offices are combined to make editable purchase order with a sanction process flow. On Approval the orders are released and goods are expected against these order.
The items are received at central warehouse by way of Items/goods inward against purchase order raised and at the branches these are received against their indents generated in past.
The items that are dispatched from HO and not received at Branch are the stock in transit. Only when the acknowledgement is generated from the branch as it is received by them.
Branch level consumables and capital items stock with valuations segmented by type of items. With Branch wise summary and total stocks.