Corporate Meeting Management System.

Paperless Meetings base Organisation Management for group of companies that includes Board of Directors Meetings.The meeting hierarchy for the group of companies or a single company follows both top down and bottom up approach. This means Instructions from top and reporting from bottom all paperless at Meetings level. The concept of this software solution is very different from other solutions that we have studies prior to taking up design of the ePMM3S. This one has potential to be truly paperless depending on the readiness of the organisation.


  • Committee Member relationship
    1. Suitable for unlimited number of companies.
    2. The users / employees is to be defined only once in his company.
    3. Committee is under a company with its members to be selected from employees and invitees.
    4. Each member is assigned independent role in the committee from meeting controller to members with different level of rights.
    5. Members are definable to belonging to either from a committee below i.e. junior level or from a committee above i.e. a senior level committee executive.
  • Roles definition for the members
    1. Meeting Controller: Meeting schedule, re-schedule, cancel, Approve meeting for publish, Agenda and document upload, Add, Insert, move, mark secret and approve agenda.
    2. Member with upload: View agenda, open agenda, download document, Viewer with comments facility, upload agenda and document that needs to be reviewed and / or approved by Secretariat department users.
    3. Member without upload: above without facility to upload agenda and document.
    4. Secretariat department user: review uploaded document, send back to upload user for update.
    5. Agenda list only: This user can only view the list of agenda and can not open any document.
  • Assign Roles to the members
    1. Select company and committee.
    2. Assign roles to each member.
    3. Define if the member is a part of sub committee to assign from this committee. The assigned tasks are tracked and reporting is also done without any paper printing, just by sharing.
    4. Secretariat department user: review uploaded document, send back to upload user for update.
    5. Define if the member of from higher committee with the facility to review the proceddings from start to end.
  • Meeting and agenda Setup
    1. Select committee.
    2. Set date and time start and end date, has facility to set up multiple days meetings also.
    3. Set schedule the meeting.
    4. Based on the review and approve requirement the process will be followed prior to this information is released for members viewing.
    5. Upload all agenda in structure or one by one.
    6. Agenda level workflow for review and approval is also to be set if required prior to discussion.
    7. A report is available to know member-wise, whether they have viewed or downloaded the agenda documents, if not a follow up reminder can be done using phone, mail SMS etc.
  • Pre meeting activities
    1. Reschedule meeting by date, time, location or cancel meeting.
    2. Members view, study agenda and mark their comments, highlight text or add text note on the document for own reference or sharing with others.
    3. Members with rights upload agenda items that are reviewed and approved by authorised users having roles to do this prior to this is available to all members of the committee.
    4. The Agenda insert can be at below or above some agenda or section as main or sub agenda.
    5. The agenda can be marked secret or move up and down with user convenience.
    6. View report and follow up with members who have not viewed or downloaded the agenda.
    7. Even last minute (on table) agenda are easily updated in the board book. For any of the activity for agenda add, update, insert, move the board book is automatically is updated with re-arranged page numbers for the members to download. The user annotations are also re-arranged.
  • During Meeting
    1. Mart member Attendance in and out with time by mouse click.
    2. Set start of meeting time.
    3. Agenda wise start time from discussion to resolution to action to end time clicking.
    4. Multiple action points for each agenda are set.
    5. The discussed circulars also facilitated in this during meeting module.
    6. Feedback on meeting proceeding to improve future meetings.
    7. At end of meeting all members in meeting are marked out.
  • After Meeting
    1. The conclusion meeting is marked by data and time in the previous module and that only enables the start of this phase for a selected committee. In this the user can create and get draft of minutes of meeting from the notes created during meeting containing the discussion, resolution and action items combined with attendance and time records of start and end of meeting and agenda items proceedings. This can be edited to create minutes of meeting for circulation as per the policy of the organisation.
  • Task Execution and follow up
    1. The assigned tasks can be shared with the subordinate committee in electronic format. With this the task is taken up by the subordinate and on completion the report can be uploaded by this user electronically and is available to the boss who is a member of the main committee. He can review and can send back further update in not found satisfactory.